Day 56 - Super Moon

We knew where the best view of the city is, and we had an idea that the super moon would be rising right over the city from her home, so we trekked over to Marion’s with a paper bag filled with wine, cheese, prosciutto, flat bread, Spanish almonds and a kale Caesar - and sat on her porch waiting for the moon to show. It did. Got this photo by taking two shots with different exposures then blending them.

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Day 52 - Crooked Shadows

Starting to see things a bit crooked. Wake up, then black tea w/cream, then answer emails from Asia, then yoga, then smoothie, then coffee, then work, then lunch, then nap, then work, then tea, then exercise, then wine and Marcona almonds, then dinner, then Asia conference calls, then one hour staring at the screen while sipping tulsi ‘holy basil’ tea and snacking on 70%+ chocolate, then bed, then reading aloud, then snuggle with cat, then wake then do it again.

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Day 47 - Yoga In Place

This is normally our workspace and retail shop but it’s also where we do other things. We’ve been doing yoga here since long before the coronavirus changed our lives, but it just seems more appropriate these days. And yes, it’s a part of our routine here at Qamera. Trying to make it a daily part.

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