Day 20 - About Food
We are 20 days into social distancing and shelter-in-place, both of which we started on Friday the 13th (irony noted). I am going to try - not promise - to post one photo a day from our shelter, as a practice in focusing inward. This first one is, yes, a food selfie, but it’s there for a purpose. Part of our inward focus has been a renewed emphasis on cooking, food, and sustenance. This morning we made a fried egg sandwich made up of Como loaf from @grandcentralbakery (where Fran worked as a teen), grated cheddar cheese, eggs from our chickens at @onharperhill , fresh arugula, Himalayan salt & Phu Quoc peppers from our frequent visits to our @qspace.saigon office. Well, Fran made it. I just did the espresso drinks: half Umbria (local brand) “Gusto Crema” medium roast Italian espresso, half Mezzanotte “midnight” decaf, with steamed oat milk for rich flavor and, yes, no cholesterol. Coffee mugs from a wonderful pottery shop in Ouray, Colorado, transported here by a combination of mountain bike, car, propeller airplane, escalator, jet aircraft, and self-drive BMW from Reachnow - back when transportation was so easy and safe.