Day 19 - A Really Shitty Month

On March 1, when we flew down to Arizona, the United States had 62 cases - mostly in Seattle, where I live - compared to 80,105 for China. And no deaths. On March 12, when we flew back to Seattle, it had jumped to 1,600 cases. We thought that was scary. By the end of the month, it had reached 165,000 cases with 2,486 deaths, doubling every two days. Now we are being told to expect over 200,000 deaths. In America.

Each day I wake up, the rug is pulled out from under me again. Each day I wake up, I grow angrier and angrier at the incompetence of our president. His lies, his petty name-calling, his obvious narcissism are one thing. But he has brought unnecessary economic harm to our nation and his direct actions will have cost us hundreds of thousands of lives. It’s difficult enough being a democracy full of people who inherently don’t like being told what to do. It’s quite another for the chief “La La I can’t hear you” - our President - to be egging it all on.

Sun is out.