Back to Kabul

Allie, who has been looking after Shraddha, hosted a dinner as a get-together for family and friends. At the last minute, several people from Phoenix canceled, leaving it a much smaller group. Marnie and Ruthie/Shraddha rested on the bed while waiting for dinner to be served.

Marnie, who lives in Afghanistan, was getting nervous about the news so she pushed her return to Seattle forward by a couple of days to tomorrow, and her return to Kabul also by several days.

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Uptown Sedona

Thunder Mountain is beautiful on normal mornings. This morning was overcast with spotted clouds, and the sun burst through for just a few moments. We’ve been in Sedona for the past week helping Fran’s sister @sevencentersyoga and each day here in the high desert is amazing. 

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Marg's Draw

This is one of our favorite walks in Sedona because it’s accessible right from the city and the views open up quickly as you walk. It’s a wonderful way to get away if you only have an hour. On this day, The U.S. had only 127 cases and no deaths. Covid-19 was nowhere. China was in deep trouble; Korea and Italy were not far behind. Our country had a collective myopia, led by our President who was calling it fake news. And in Sedona, we were delightfully ignorant.

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Carroll Canyon Wash

On day two, the group took brown bag lunches - Ayurvedic of course - out to Carrol Canyon to enjoy the sun. A few actually jumped into the icy water of the wash. I was just beginning to have a bit of hesitation about eating a sandwich with raw vegetables, that someone else had prepared. Just beginning. But everything was still so distant…

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The Birthing Cave

Each day after lunch, the members of Shraddha’s Chakra Intensive group went out for an intentional walk. This is a silent walk, a kind of kinetic meditation, where you reflect on the particular Chakra that you learned about in the morning. Today we hiked up Mescal Ridge trail to what some call the Yoni Cave but Shraddha calls it the birthing cave. It was a mystical, strange place to consider what was going on in the world around us - a storm brewing, yet so far away.

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Flight to Phoenix

We flew to Phoenix to spend twelve days with Fran’s sister Ruth in Sedona. “We” was Fran, myself, and Fran’s sister Marnie who had flown in from Kabul, Afghanistan where she and her husband run a non-profit that is focused on supporting orphans and widows. We were traveling to Sedona to help Ruth who has been experiencing health issues and was in the midst of conducting an intensive month-long yoga training with students from around the world.

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A Cancellation

The in-person meeting was cancelled because Carolyn and her husband have left Seattle in a motor-home and are now camping on a beatutiful beach in Oregon. They have WiFi. We held a virtual meeting instead.

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Michael JFeb 2020Comment
A First Meeting

Fran, Carolyn and I had a meeting about the project in our office on California. I walked down the street to Olympia Coffee, which was filled with patrons, and came back with three coffees and a few pastries. We agreed to set up a meeting with her client, in our office, on Saturday Feb 29.

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Michael JFeb 2020Comment
A New Client

A new potential client, Carolyn, walked in to our office. She lives here in West Seattle and had seen our office sign while passing by. Her own client is an author and she wanted to inquire whether we might be interested in help build a web site to help promote his new book. I mention this because Carolyn’s husband has a compromised immune system. It was just a piece of information at the time.

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The Beginning

Chinese New Year. We were down in the International District when we heard that the CNY celebration over in Sammamish had been canceled because of worries about the new coronavirus that had started in Wuhan - whatever that was, and wherever that was.

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Michael JJan 2020Comment